The Calm After the Storm or The Calm Before the Storm? #Day 8

Combining two tables (I4G 10 Days Of Code Challenge)

The past 7 days of this challenge have been progressively getting harder and harder with yesterday acting like a breaking point. Today's challenge, however was easy. This makes me ask myself, "Is this the calm after the storm or the calm after the storm?". Honestly, only time will tell.

The Challenge



Approach to Solution

Compared to the past two or three days, Today's challenge was straightforward. Basically, the challenge asks us to merge the Person table to the Address table but retain all the rows in the Person table. The merging is based on the personId column in both tables.

The solution to the problem was to use the JOIN command in SQL. There are multiple types of the JOIN command in SQL. The one which was used in this case was the LEFT JOIN command which retains all the rows in the first table (which is the Person table in this case) and combines the second table (Address) based on a common column (personId).

The rows which have nothing in common in the two tables automatically have null values for the columns without an item for the row.
